This cycle is well and truly underway but I'm still not feeling overly excited about it yet. It's all a bit weird. I picked up all my new drugs the other day and have had my first injection but that's about it. My scan is on Thursday so maybe after that I'll feel a bit more excited about the whole thing. I'm trying to still be good about what I eat and I know I need to drink lots to stay hydrated this cycle but I feel like I'm getting slack about these things right when I need to be at the top of my game. I'm just tired I think. Work has been full on lately, Jazz is still getting us up through the night (she's nearly 5 ... wtf!) and Scout is working odd hours so we aren't seeing much of each other at the moment. I'm just feeling flat for some reason. Deep down I think I'm worried that it's not going to work or something's going to go wrong and it's making me want to disconnect from the whole thing already to avoid getting my hopes up. Not a great frame of mind to be starting with I know. I think the cost of the cycle and uncertainty of what we'll do if it doesn't work is kinda weighing on me a bit. I have a step sister who has struggled with IVF and she has now given up after about 5 or 6 attempts with numerous miscarriages. She doesn't know that we are ttc but she's been at the back of my thoughts a lot lately as we've headed into this cycle. While I know her story isn't necessarily going to end up being our story, it's made the thought of failing at IVF a very real concept. Anyway, the bottom line is, this cycle has started and we are in it for the long haul so I really need to snap out of it, get my act together and start thinking positive about growing lots of big fat healthy follicles. So on that note, I think I'll go jab myself with some more FSH, drink a big glass of water and snuggle up with my babe for a bit :).
Ps - Cute image of the day ... Our 4 year old attempting to vacuum the house while still holding her handbag LOL. Something to remember when I have to get up to her again in the middle of the night!
The fire is hot
2 weeks ago
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