I don't have a lot to report but I thought I should get in a quick post anyway. The last couple of weeks have been busy with Jazz starting school and Scout's business needing a push now that both kids are in school and on a regular routine. Jazz is wrapped to be finally doing alot of the things she's being watching her big sister do all this time, but in the process she's become a bit "cocky" about how good she thinks she is now. Poor Scout had a bad day with her the other day and wound up having a mini melt down. Jazz is just so head strong and demanding at the moment. If she doesn't get her own way and all your attention when she wants it, the tanty of all tanties will suddenly errupt. She's 5 ... but acting like a 3 year old one minute and PMSing teen the next. Heaven help us when she does hit puberty!
I am also in PMS mode at the moment having just finished the pill while still sniffing synarel. I'm feeling tired and cranky and not in the mood for any crap at work. Thankfully things have been ok but the days just seems to be dragging. This weekend I'm suppose to bleed and then the stims begin. My down reg scan is booked for Monday. It's hard to explain how unenthused I am about this next cycle. I've hardly even thought about it. My alarm goes off and I almost unconsciously have my sniff and carry on with whatever I'm doing. The other night I woke at 4am and had a sudden panic that I'd forgotten my 7pm sniff. Part of me thought I'd forgotten to have it and the other half of me thought I did do it but it was done in such an automatic and unconscious manner I don't remember. Who knows ... I'm not going to worry about it but I really need to get my act together and pay a bit more attention to what's going on! Anyway, I'll post again after my first stim scan. Hopefully a good scan will get me back on track.
The fire is hot
2 weeks ago
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