They're in! Despite feeling alot more uncomfortable post pick up this time around, all went well with the transfer this morning. The look on the embryologist's face had me a bit worried when we first walked in. They must tell them to have an unemotive expression or something. Anyway, her face looked pretty solemn which had me expecting the worst but instead the results were great! Of the 7 eggs, 6 were mature, 5 fertilized, and 4 are growing nicely :). Yay!!! We had two 5-cell embryos put back (2DT) and are waiting to see if the other 2 make it to the freezer (please please please!). Our FS was really happy with the result and of course we are wrapped. So I'm relieved that all the extra focus on egg quality this time appears to have actually paid off so far, but time will tell I guess.
It was alot more painful getting the catheter in this time. I yelped and just about lept off the table but once she got around the kink in my cervix I was fine. If we need to go through another transfer though, she said I'll probably need to have the dilatation done again first. Fingers crossed we won't need to do that.
The decision to put two back was instigated by our FS after our last transfer failed. We don't necessarily want twins but if it happens, it happens. Scout reckons she doesn't mind if we end up with two as long as one is a boy LOL. I think it's just so difficult physically, emotionally and financially going through IVF and after only having one decent embryo last time, we decided if we got lucky enough to get more than one this time, we didn't want to waste them. The other two embryos may not make it to the freezer or through a thaw, so rather than wait for a possible BFN from 1 and risk possibly losing all the other 3 (and then having to start all over again!), we thought we'd at least use two. Anyway, if we end up with twins we will no doubt experience another type of physical, emotional and financial trauma but we'll cross that bridge if/when we come to it!
So at the end of the transfer our FS wished us luck (which I think was more directed at Scout having to put up with me on the progesterone!) and sent us on our way. The rest of today, I've spent at home with my feet up but I'll need to do a few things for work at some point. I've had the last 3 days off and only went in for an hour this morning to get some work to bring home with me, so I'll spend some time on that in another hour or so. My ovaries are still really sore and quite painful at times especially when my bladder or bowel needs emptying. It eased off yesterday but it's back with a vengeance today. Hopefully it will be better come tomorrow. Apart from all that I have a reflexology session on Friday just prior to the supposed 'implantation' to help things along, and the blood test is booked for the 26th. Can't believe we're finally in the wait again! Will keep you posted :)
Jazz browsing the fashion mags in the waiting room |
Two very hopeful mums :) |
Catheter in and awaiting the embryos |
One of our embryos :) Stick, little one, stick! |