Bonnie is the cutest little button! She is delightful. Always happy and laughing. She looks at us with so much love and awe it still makes my heart melt and eyes well up with tears of joy every day when I look at her. Of course she has the odd moment when she is a cranky pants but it's usually because she is sick or tired or in pain and it never lasts too long. We've got a good sleeping pattern going on that has it's occassional hick ups but for the most part she will go to sleep ok once she's tired enough and we wrap her up. She usually wakes once a night for a feed around 3 or 4am and then goes back to sleep again pretty easily. So I can't complain at all. There's even been 2 nights where she's actually slept through!
Breastfeeding is still problematic. I think my supply is definately better cos I have days where both boobs fill up and actually leak, but there are still other days where it's like they've completely dried up. Anyway, I try not to let it bother me and just keep giving her what I can and topping up what I can't. She definately prefers the boob so I feel alittle guilty that they don't give her all she needs but at least she gets something and I don't feel like I need to worry about her refusing it anymore. She's use to having both now so as long as she gets fed one way or another, she's happy.
Evenings are a lot easier now since I bought a second hand highchair to put her in while cooking, eating or helping the girls with homework. She not really old enough for it yet but because it reclines and the footrest comes right up, she can lie or sit in it with a bit of padding and she's happy as Larry. About two weeks ago she started to purposefully hit the toys hanging down on her bouncer or play gym and yesterday she actually grabbed and pulled on the one that plays music twice which gave her of a thrill. Her little legs are very strong. She pushes up all the time, loves standing and is also starting to tolerate tummy time a bit better. For the past week or so she has been constantly nawing on her fist or part of a soft toy so we have been wondering if she is starting to teeth. The weather here is getting colder so I'm enjoying being able to rug her up in her pram with her mittens and beanie on when we go for a walk. Super cute!
Speaking of the weather, we've had a lot of wind lately and the tree on the other side of our deck has started to fall apart. Half of it fell on one of our sheds and pretty much demolished it. We rent the house we are in at the moment so we're still waiting for the owner to arrange removal of the tree and pulling apart of the shed so we can see if any of our stuff survived. We have insurance but it's a hefty excess so we are yet to see if it will be worth it. In the meantime more of the tree has fallen on the corner of the house! It only damaged the guttering luckily but it's left us alittle unnerved so we've got all the animals living in the house with us at the moment till it's sorted as it barely missed the rabbit hutch.
To add insult to injury, a contractor let our dog out the other day so we have had to fork out for pound fees and a council fine, and now we've just found out the house we live in has also been sold. We've had to put up with open houses etc lately and we were hoping the new owner might let us stay on but they want to live in it so we are now having to look for a new home. We really wanted our next move to be into our own home early next year but this has thrown a spanner in the works. We need to be out in 3 months and we can't buy while I'm still on maternity leave so we have to move to another rental. It's annoying cos it will cost us money to move and then move again. There also isn't too many rentals that come up in this town so it might also mean actually moving town and that will impact on the girls schooling. It's all just a bit messy and frustrating and I'm not looking forward to any of it. We had a trip booked and paid for to Cairns next month. We were planning on spending a whole month tripping around spending a week with mum in Cairns, another week visiting other friends and family in Queensland and then fishing our way down the New South Wales coast on the way home. That trip will have to be cut short now so we can come home and move, if of course we find somewhere new to live before we leave! I don't wanna think about it. Clearly we'll be spending the next few weeks looking at shit holes and trying to get rid of stuff we don't need.
Anyway, here are a few more pics of our little one :). She keeps growing and changing and while I love each and every moment of it and look forward to what happens next, I just wish I could stop time and keep her just the way she is right now for a little longer!
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