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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Progesterone Mind Games

Had another blood test and my progesterone is now at a very respectable 61.  FS wants me to stick with the 400mg pessaries twice daily which I'm ok with.  It's not as messy as the crinone and I don't smell all hormoney like I did when I was on that.  It does cost a bit ... but I guess time will tell if it's been worth it.  The high doses have me loaded up with progesterone symptoms which I am trying to ignore.  Seriously messes with my head.  I am currently 6dp2dt.  If our little embies are gonna stick, this is the time.


  1. Time is flying by! Crossing my fingers!!

  2. Hello there! I nominated your Blog for a Liebster Award! Check out my most recent post for more information about your nomination. I enjoy reading your blog! Sending you positive energy and baby dust from Maryland!!!Stick little embies STICK!!! :)

  3. Thanks Nell :). I will post about the Liebster this weekend when I get the chance

  4. Nominated your blog for a Liebster award!

  5. i agree, this is the time, positive thoughts meela! hoping the next week goes quickly!


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Progesterone Mind Games

Had another blood test and my progesterone is now at a very respectable 61.  FS wants me to stick with the 400mg pessaries twice daily which I'm ok with.  It's not as messy as the crinone and I don't smell all hormoney like I did when I was on that.  It does cost a bit ... but I guess time will tell if it's been worth it.  The high doses have me loaded up with progesterone symptoms which I am trying to ignore.  Seriously messes with my head.  I am currently 6dp2dt.  If our little embies are gonna stick, this is the time.


  1. Time is flying by! Crossing my fingers!!

  2. Hello there! I nominated your Blog for a Liebster Award! Check out my most recent post for more information about your nomination. I enjoy reading your blog! Sending you positive energy and baby dust from Maryland!!!Stick little embies STICK!!! :)

  3. Thanks Nell :). I will post about the Liebster this weekend when I get the chance

  4. Nominated your blog for a Liebster award!

  5. i agree, this is the time, positive thoughts meela! hoping the next week goes quickly!


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