First let me say I am NOT A FAN of Misoprostol. My FS did mention it had some 'unpleasant side-effects' but f*#k me! I took two tablets 6 hours before my surgery today and within 20mins I was cramping like nobody's business. First I thought I was going to crap myself, then I thought I was gonna pass out. It was pretty much the equivalent of the worst ever period cramps and I couldn't take anything for it! I spent the first hour dashing back and forth to the toilet trying not to pass out. Almost thought I was going to have to just curl up on the floor in the toilet for awhile there since being vertical was not an option, but thankfully Scout rescued me with a heat pack and a cold washer. I was seriously starting to wonder how the heck I was going to cope sitting in the waiting room but thankfully by the time we got in there, things had eased off to a point that I could handle. The actual procedure itself went off without a hitch and I was up and out of there in no time :) They managed to get the bigger scope in this time (so I guess all that cramping was worth it) and apparently everything looked fine. She took a biopsy and I still have to go back for a post op review but hopefully it's all clear and we get the go ahead for a natural cycle when my periods starts in 2 weeks!
Apart from the D&C, I was also nominated for a Liebster Blog Award by not one but two fellow bloggers :) - Lexi and Sarah at 'Our baby making journey' and Mamma V. Thanks ladies :)
So as part of the deal I need to answer their questions, nominate other blogs with less than 200 followers, and give the new nominees some questions to answer. Here are my answers to Lexi, Sarah and Mamma Vs questions :)
1. What's your favorite season and why?
Favourite season would have to be spring :). I love watching the trees and gardens come back to life after winter. Seeing new buds grow and flowers that only blossom once a year. But my absolute favourite part is all the baby lambs and little ducklings following their mamas around in the fields near where we live. That's when I know spring had truly sprung :)
2. What is something you can't live without?
'Buffy' ... My car. I'm very lazy, live in a country town with limited public transport and both the girls school and my work are waaaaaay to far to walk to everyday. If I need to get somewhere, move something or toe a trailer ... She's my girl ;)
3. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Probably somewhere in Africa for the landscapes, coastlines and amazing animals. Our girls would also benefit from playing with kids of other cultures, especially those who have to struggle for the basics in life.
4. If given the ability to change one thing in this world, what would you choose?
To eliminate poverty. It's an epidemic.
5. Do you have any regrets in life?
Not coming out sooner! Who knows how many cute lesbians I missed out on while pretending to be straight and wasting time lusting after straight women!! But seriously, my life just improved a billion times after I finally accepted myself, fessed up to the world and discovered lesbian women :) I think the year I finally came out was the best year of my life and it makes me sad to think that others never get there.
6. Why did you start blogging?
To record our baby making journey and pay it forward. Other people's blogs have been the greatest source of information and enlightenment for me throughout this whole process. They've given me hope and also helped me keep things in perspective. I really struggled to find Aussie lesbian TTC blogs to follow so I figured I should put one out there.
7. What is your best trait?
I care.
8. What is your worst trait?
My temper ... I'm a bit of a snappy tom at times.
9. What is your best childhood memory?
Spending weekends at my Nan's, reading books while watching Daddy Long Leg's crawl up the wall of her spare bedroom, swimming in the creek near her house, eating ham and pickle sandwiches with her sitting in the grass, trolling through her old photos for hours on end and sitting in her big recliner chair eating bacon and eggs on a tray in front of the tele. I loved my nan and I loved hanging out with her and sitting in her big old chair. She died about 10 years ago but I can still feel her around me. I made my mum keep her old chair and I sit in it whenever I visit :)
10. Who are 3 people you would love to have dinner with (living or dead)? They would all be family members who have passed (my nan, Scout's nan who I never got to meet, and my poppa). But if I had to pick celebs ... It would be Lady Diana for all the gossip, Joan of Arc for inspiration, and the Dalai Lama for insight and a good laugh :)
11. Who is someone you miss?
My nan ... and my mum.
Phew! Onto nominating other blogs, this is a little hard as both ladies who nominated me have already nominated many people I would have! So I've done my best to share the love but there was still a few already nominated that I just had to nom again!
1. My TTC Obstacle Course - I love the humor and language in this blog. It's genuine and direct and has made me 'laugh out loud' on numerous occasions :)
2. Lezbemoms - These two women are amazing! Prepping for one baby and ending up with two!
3. Double Trouble Bangkok - An already popular blog but still eligible for and very much deserving of a Liebster (and a foot rub by the looks of that last post!)
4. Baby Mama(s) Drama - Another great read with lots of insights and cute pics :)
5. And baby makes 3 ... hopefully - A grounding blog. They've had a rough trott so I have everything crossed that good things are just around the corner of them :)
6. Two birds building a nest - Not a very active blog these days after the birth of their twins but I really loved following their journey when they were blogging lots, and I have to give credence to the fact that this was the blog that inspired me to start blogging!
7. The Terrells Journey - A cute couple and a funny read. Due any day now!!
8. Bao in the Oven - Another oldie but goodie that makes me laugh :)
9. The Daily Adventures of Two Girls in Love - A 'pink' blog about two lovely ladies who now have two very cute babies!
10. Thoughts of Babies - Two ladies that deserve a boost. Fingers crossed better things come their way real soon :)
11. ..... I can't think of any more that haven't already been nominated ... I'm recovering from my 4th general anesthetic for the year!
Unfortunately I have trouble posting a comment on some of these blogs so I'm not even sure how to let some of the wordpress ones even know I've nominated them but anyway ... Here are my questions for those who do get my messages :)
1. Favourite Christmas tradition?
2. Worst gift you've ever been given.
3. Best gift you've ever been given.
4. Scariest encounter.
5. Most embarrassing moment.
6. A guilty pleasure.
7. Something you're proud of.
8. Worst habit.
9. A food you don't like.
10. Someone you admire
11. Favourite jelly bean :)
Happy blogging!
The fire is hot
2 weeks ago
hey meela, add one more liebster nom to the list. your blog is one of my favorites. hope all is well.