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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Liebsters and the TWW

We are now at 10dp2dt.  Technically I could probably start testing but I've decided to stay away from the sticks this time.  I just can't handle day after day of BFNs so we are waiting till OTD.  To be honest I'm not finding it all that hard to resist temptation with the sticks now thanks to my POAS aversion.  Sure it would be nice to know right now if we've got a BFP but I'm just not ready for another BFN.  Beta is due on Thursday.  Normally I get the blood test done before work and get the results in the afternoon while I'm still at work, which I hate.  It's crap getting your results at work when it's negative ... trying to hold your shit together meanwhile your pretty much imploding.  I'm not doing that again.  So both of us have organised to take both the Thursday and Friday off work so we go in for the blood test together, get the results together and have a long weekend together to deal with the results.   I feel good about this plan ... I feel relieved.  And there is no way I'm letting some stick get the better of me while I still have another 3 days of work to get through.  My period is due Monday but given how much progesterone I'm on at the moment I don't expect to bleed till I stop taking it.  So ... We'll just wait and see how we go.

Also I'd like to give a big thank-you to B&C at 'Our Journey to Become Mummies', Nell B at 'Four Completes The Set' and Lexi and Sarah at 'Our Baby Making Journey' who each nominated me for a Liebster award :)  Liebster's are all about giving recognition to small bloggers (200 followers or less).  It's also a great way to find new blogs to read ;).  And to find out that others actually read yours!

The rules:
1. Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answering the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Nominate 11 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
4. Display the Liebster Award logo.
5. No tag backs meaning you can’t just re nominate the person who nominated you.
My answers to their questions (I've picked a few from each so I've actually answered 12 in total):
1.  Most embarrassing moment from your high school years?  The worst is actually from primary school.  I got my period at after school care.  I actually thought I'd shit myself.  I had no idea what it was.
2.  If you had to move to another country, where would you move?  Norway.  I spent a year working there as a nanny when I was younger and always thought it was a great place to raise a family.  They are just a really healthy nation and are all about the great outdoors and nature so I think my little family would love it :)
3.  City or nature person?  Nature.  I love living in the country and wouldn't trade it but I also enjoy having a city just 90mins away :)
4.  If you had to change careers, what would you pick?  I'd do horticulture and be an arborist or a landscape architect.  I like getting my hands dirty ... and plants are rarely a pain in the arse (unless they're a weed!).  
From Nell B:  
1.  What is your greatest fear?  Losing my family - not that this will ever happen but I couldn't live without Scout and the girls.
2. What is your greatest accomplishment?  Overcoming my driving phobia.  Sounds silly but I would get anxiety and start crying whenever I had to get behind a wheel.  When I was 27 I bit the bullet and forced myself to learn to drive without freaking out.  I now drive without issue but I think I'll always be a bit of a "granny driver".
3.  What public behaviours do you find the most offensive?  Spitting ... It's just disgusting.
4.  What is your favourite quote or saying?  It's actually a gesture ... that means "fuck knows".  I can't find a picture of the gesture itself but it involves my thumb and forefinger encircling my nose.  I do it almost unconsciously when I don't know the answer to something.  It's a habit from my Queensland days.
From Lexi and Sarah:
1.  Sweet or salty?  Salty ... But then I need to follow it up with something sweet!
2.  Describe yourself when you were 18.  A goodie-two-shoes virgin who still hadn't come out of the closet.
3.  Favorite season:  Spring :). The start of a new cycle of life in nature.  I love all the baby lambs in the fields and the new ducklings in the ponds and the shoots and buds starting to grow back on all the trees.  It's just plain makes makes me happy.
4.  Do you own any pets?  We have a lab retriever named 'Anikan', a fluffy ginger and white cat named 'Merkin', a very large grey rabbit name 'Bella', a turtle shell coloured guinea pig named 'Sprinkles', some fish and an axolotil named 'Oscar'.

As for nominations ... This is hard cos I can't nominate those who nominated me and lots of people I follow have already been nominated.  I have also been slack about expanding my blog roll this year so I can't come up with 11, but here are a few I'd like to acknowledge :)
1.  My TTC Obstacle Course - Genuine, funny and the writer has always been supportive of me in my own TTC journey.
2.  Non Fat Caramel Lesbian Does Baby Making - A success story by another supportive blogger who's had her ups and downs.
3.  Lezbemoms - 2 superhero mums who have been juggling 5 kids and are in the TTC game again!
4.  2AussieMammas - One alittle closer to home who is a regular poster of cute pics.
5.  Thoughts of Babies -  They are finally pregnant after a rough trott and it's TWINS!
6.  Hope is something you pee on - A blog about resiliance and sacrifice when TTC against all odds.  Plus I just love the name.
7.  Wigand Writes - Two mums with a little lady and now another on the way!
8.  Two Mummies Want a Baby - Two mums who've had a rough time so far TTC

1 comment:

  1. Smart for staying away from the pee sticks. That was one hard thing for the two of us. It does allow you to be sane and stress free. We are rooting for you two!


Saturday, 27 July 2013

Liebsters and the TWW

We are now at 10dp2dt.  Technically I could probably start testing but I've decided to stay away from the sticks this time.  I just can't handle day after day of BFNs so we are waiting till OTD.  To be honest I'm not finding it all that hard to resist temptation with the sticks now thanks to my POAS aversion.  Sure it would be nice to know right now if we've got a BFP but I'm just not ready for another BFN.  Beta is due on Thursday.  Normally I get the blood test done before work and get the results in the afternoon while I'm still at work, which I hate.  It's crap getting your results at work when it's negative ... trying to hold your shit together meanwhile your pretty much imploding.  I'm not doing that again.  So both of us have organised to take both the Thursday and Friday off work so we go in for the blood test together, get the results together and have a long weekend together to deal with the results.   I feel good about this plan ... I feel relieved.  And there is no way I'm letting some stick get the better of me while I still have another 3 days of work to get through.  My period is due Monday but given how much progesterone I'm on at the moment I don't expect to bleed till I stop taking it.  So ... We'll just wait and see how we go.

Also I'd like to give a big thank-you to B&C at 'Our Journey to Become Mummies', Nell B at 'Four Completes The Set' and Lexi and Sarah at 'Our Baby Making Journey' who each nominated me for a Liebster award :)  Liebster's are all about giving recognition to small bloggers (200 followers or less).  It's also a great way to find new blogs to read ;).  And to find out that others actually read yours!

The rules:
1. Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answering the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Nominate 11 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
4. Display the Liebster Award logo.
5. No tag backs meaning you can’t just re nominate the person who nominated you.
My answers to their questions (I've picked a few from each so I've actually answered 12 in total):
1.  Most embarrassing moment from your high school years?  The worst is actually from primary school.  I got my period at after school care.  I actually thought I'd shit myself.  I had no idea what it was.
2.  If you had to move to another country, where would you move?  Norway.  I spent a year working there as a nanny when I was younger and always thought it was a great place to raise a family.  They are just a really healthy nation and are all about the great outdoors and nature so I think my little family would love it :)
3.  City or nature person?  Nature.  I love living in the country and wouldn't trade it but I also enjoy having a city just 90mins away :)
4.  If you had to change careers, what would you pick?  I'd do horticulture and be an arborist or a landscape architect.  I like getting my hands dirty ... and plants are rarely a pain in the arse (unless they're a weed!).  
From Nell B:  
1.  What is your greatest fear?  Losing my family - not that this will ever happen but I couldn't live without Scout and the girls.
2. What is your greatest accomplishment?  Overcoming my driving phobia.  Sounds silly but I would get anxiety and start crying whenever I had to get behind a wheel.  When I was 27 I bit the bullet and forced myself to learn to drive without freaking out.  I now drive without issue but I think I'll always be a bit of a "granny driver".
3.  What public behaviours do you find the most offensive?  Spitting ... It's just disgusting.
4.  What is your favourite quote or saying?  It's actually a gesture ... that means "fuck knows".  I can't find a picture of the gesture itself but it involves my thumb and forefinger encircling my nose.  I do it almost unconsciously when I don't know the answer to something.  It's a habit from my Queensland days.
From Lexi and Sarah:
1.  Sweet or salty?  Salty ... But then I need to follow it up with something sweet!
2.  Describe yourself when you were 18.  A goodie-two-shoes virgin who still hadn't come out of the closet.
3.  Favorite season:  Spring :). The start of a new cycle of life in nature.  I love all the baby lambs in the fields and the new ducklings in the ponds and the shoots and buds starting to grow back on all the trees.  It's just plain makes makes me happy.
4.  Do you own any pets?  We have a lab retriever named 'Anikan', a fluffy ginger and white cat named 'Merkin', a very large grey rabbit name 'Bella', a turtle shell coloured guinea pig named 'Sprinkles', some fish and an axolotil named 'Oscar'.

As for nominations ... This is hard cos I can't nominate those who nominated me and lots of people I follow have already been nominated.  I have also been slack about expanding my blog roll this year so I can't come up with 11, but here are a few I'd like to acknowledge :)
1.  My TTC Obstacle Course - Genuine, funny and the writer has always been supportive of me in my own TTC journey.
2.  Non Fat Caramel Lesbian Does Baby Making - A success story by another supportive blogger who's had her ups and downs.
3.  Lezbemoms - 2 superhero mums who have been juggling 5 kids and are in the TTC game again!
4.  2AussieMammas - One alittle closer to home who is a regular poster of cute pics.
5.  Thoughts of Babies -  They are finally pregnant after a rough trott and it's TWINS!
6.  Hope is something you pee on - A blog about resiliance and sacrifice when TTC against all odds.  Plus I just love the name.
7.  Wigand Writes - Two mums with a little lady and now another on the way!
8.  Two Mummies Want a Baby - Two mums who've had a rough time so far TTC

1 comment:

  1. Smart for staying away from the pee sticks. That was one hard thing for the two of us. It does allow you to be sane and stress free. We are rooting for you two!


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