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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Last day of waiting ... for now.

Today is 13dp2dt.  Still haven't touched the sticks and am starting to feel sick about what the outcome will be tomorrow.  My stress and anxiety is back and the progesterone is not helping.  All weekend I felt like my body wanted to bleed and the progesterone was the only thing keeping that from happening.  Since then I've been cramping on and off but nowhere near as bad.

Anyway ... I forgot to post the Liebster questions for those I nominated the other day.  So here they are  :)
1.  Favourite thing/toy when you were a kid.
2.  First job you ever had.
3.  What type of music you're into
4.  Favourite piece of clothing and why
5.  Something you can't bare to throw out.
6.  A guilty pleasure.
7.  Favourite TV series
8.  A feature, trait or habit you inherited from your parents
9.  Something you'd like to be better at.
10.  If you we're to donate a lot of money to a charity, which would it be?
11.  If you could go back in time to visit another decade or era, which would you choose?


  1. Here are the answers to your
    1) Anything hockey related
    2) Delivering newspapers
    3) Springsteen....
    4) Limited edition leather jacket....never seen anyone else wear it and it is from a major retailer.
    5)Unique 20 year old sports team related jacket.
    6) Great wines and foods.
    7) Mash, Friends, Seinfeld..sitcoms
    8) Buying the best
    9) Staying in shape
    10))Cancer....hit my family hard.
    11) 1960's


Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Last day of waiting ... for now.

Today is 13dp2dt.  Still haven't touched the sticks and am starting to feel sick about what the outcome will be tomorrow.  My stress and anxiety is back and the progesterone is not helping.  All weekend I felt like my body wanted to bleed and the progesterone was the only thing keeping that from happening.  Since then I've been cramping on and off but nowhere near as bad.

Anyway ... I forgot to post the Liebster questions for those I nominated the other day.  So here they are  :)
1.  Favourite thing/toy when you were a kid.
2.  First job you ever had.
3.  What type of music you're into
4.  Favourite piece of clothing and why
5.  Something you can't bare to throw out.
6.  A guilty pleasure.
7.  Favourite TV series
8.  A feature, trait or habit you inherited from your parents
9.  Something you'd like to be better at.
10.  If you we're to donate a lot of money to a charity, which would it be?
11.  If you could go back in time to visit another decade or era, which would you choose?


  1. Here are the answers to your
    1) Anything hockey related
    2) Delivering newspapers
    3) Springsteen....
    4) Limited edition leather jacket....never seen anyone else wear it and it is from a major retailer.
    5)Unique 20 year old sports team related jacket.
    6) Great wines and foods.
    7) Mash, Friends, Seinfeld..sitcoms
    8) Buying the best
    9) Staying in shape
    10))Cancer....hit my family hard.
    11) 1960's


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