Last night I had a restless sleep and was awake in the early hours with anxiety (thank you progesterone). I'd had some kind of dream that made me feel less than positive about this cycle, and once I was awake, I started stressing that I hadn't heard anything from the clinic about whether they'd managed to freeze the spare embryos. With the last fresh cycle, I got a letter the day after the transfer saying we had two frozen and in storage. But this time I didn't. I'd gotten in late last night because I had a reflexology session so I figured I might have missed some mail on the table and got out of bed to check but there was nothing there. I went back to bed stressing and tossing and turning till the sun came up. Finally when Scout woke up I asked her about the mail and she said she'd been so rushed collecting the girls from school that she hadn't collected it. Talk about relieved. I sent Jazz out to check and the letter was there - thank goodness - confirming our two spare embryos have been frozen and stored (phew!). I am feeling a whole lot better about things now. Still not very confident about this cycle, but relieved we have spares to go again with ... Especially after I checked my bank balance this morning and saw the massive chunk the clinic had just taken out. Anyway, we have a long weekend here this weekend for labour day so I'm going to enjoy not working and just hang out at home. We might all go to the movies tomorrow if we're really lucky. And on a side note ... I am very proud of our 5 year old who is yet to master dry nights (still!) because she actually got up and went to the toilet on her own for the first time ever last night. Considering she woke us up 3 times the night before (twice with a wet bed), we are very happy to have this little monkey finally go at night on her own. It's been a looooong time coming. Fingers crossed she does it again tonight.
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