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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

IVF #3 - Stim Scan #2

Sloooooowww growing follies ... Now at 15mm so still a bit more to go yet. Plan is for trigger Saturday night and pick up Monday Morning. Transfer will probably be Wednesday next week. I'm starting to bloat and I'm still crazy tired. My brain is all over the shop. I just boiled some potatoes and put oil in the water ... wtf?! 2 more days till the weekend which can't come soon enough! I've managed to stay fairly indifferent about this cycle for the past 5-6 weeks, but now my brain is starting to drift towards contemplating the outcome. This is dangerous territory and a serious double edged sword. Do I think positive and have my heart crushed again or do I protect my heart with pessimism and potentially send self fulfilling negative vibes out into the universe? I know somewhere in the middle is where my head needs to be ... but seriously, who the hell is capable of that while taking all these hormones and running an IVF gauntlet?! I'll keep my head till pick up ... but once I start the progesterone it's gonna get difficult.

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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

IVF #3 - Stim Scan #2

Sloooooowww growing follies ... Now at 15mm so still a bit more to go yet. Plan is for trigger Saturday night and pick up Monday Morning. Transfer will probably be Wednesday next week. I'm starting to bloat and I'm still crazy tired. My brain is all over the shop. I just boiled some potatoes and put oil in the water ... wtf?! 2 more days till the weekend which can't come soon enough! I've managed to stay fairly indifferent about this cycle for the past 5-6 weeks, but now my brain is starting to drift towards contemplating the outcome. This is dangerous territory and a serious double edged sword. Do I think positive and have my heart crushed again or do I protect my heart with pessimism and potentially send self fulfilling negative vibes out into the universe? I know somewhere in the middle is where my head needs to be ... but seriously, who the hell is capable of that while taking all these hormones and running an IVF gauntlet?! I'll keep my head till pick up ... but once I start the progesterone it's gonna get difficult.

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