The wait is going ok ... although I still wish it would go faster! I am keeping a list of any odd things I notice each day but they are all relatively minuscule / non existent. In general, I don't feel any different from how I usually feel. The only big change I have noticed over the last 3 days is I am thirsty all the time. I have always struggled to increase my fluid intake so I rarely drink more than half a litre at work each day, but this week I am suddenly getting through 1.5-2 litres a day and that's just during working hours. For some reason I just feel the need to drink alot. It has been pretty warm here lately though, so Scout thinks that's all it is. She refuses to read into any of the little things I notice or mention. This morning I had my second HCG shot and I was tempted to test before hand just to see if the last shot was fully of of my system but she wouldn't let me. I wanted to know so I could calculate how long after this second shot we would need to wait before we could test but Scout has told me I'm not allowed to :(. She is trying her best to keep me grounded this time. My period is due next Tuesday so we have agreed not to test till after then.
Apart from the wait we have been preparing for both Christmas and Charlie's birthday. On Saturday I spent ages running around trying to find a 'Furby' for her which is the only thing she said she wants for her birthday. It turns out that also seems to be 'the' gift for kids her age for Christmas this year because they are sold out everywhere!!! We ended up having to buy one at a ridiculously inflated price on ebay so I really hope she's likes it. On sunday we finished making and writing our Christmas cards, made a gingerbread house that turned into a bit of a mess because the icing started melting in the heat and all the lollies kept dropping off, and I helped Charlies make a dream catcher which she tells me is working really well. Apparently she saw it wobble the other night when it caught one of her bad dreams ;). Anyway ... Tomorrow is her birthday so I will let you know how the Furby goes down. Hope everyone else in a cycle is travelling ok!
The fire is hot
4 weeks ago
Thinking lots of good thoughts!