Our little girl is now 8 months old :). She is lightening on her hands and knees and can stand without holding onto anything for about 10-15 seconds before she falls back onto her butt. She is constantly on the move and is definately keeping me on my toes with all the steps in this house. We have gates everywhere but they are sometimes left open accidentally and I have actually lost her a couple of times into the upstairs rooms! She makes all kinds of noises and sounds and likes to chatter away loudly, especially to the girls, but still has no words. She does however understand a few things that I say and has attempted to copy some signs that I use with her and other actions in play which is cute. She also seems to be able to charm just about everyone she comes into contact with. I have had many total strangers come up to us while we are out, sometimes repeatedly just to gush all over her and squeeze her cheeks and hold her hands. I wouldn't dream of touching someone elses kid like some of these people do, but she seems to be a magnet for it and she likes it so it actually hasn't bothered me (so far), which is probably a good thing cos I'm not sure what I would do if it did! She has three teeth now and another on the way which has turned her into a bit of a biter, and she can inflict some serious pain with those choppers! I am still breastfeeding her ... and for the most part she usually behaves herself on the boob (most of the time) but every other body part now seems to be fair game for her teeth. She's learnt to blow raspberries so we are use to her doing that to us during cuddles but now sometimes those raspberries turn into bites and they hurt! Anyway, we are trying to teach her that it's naughty, but I think it's going to take a bit to register with her (which is a worry cos she will be starting day care in Feb next year and I don't want her biting anyone there!).
I have about 5-6 weeks left of my maternity leave before I go back to work. I'm not looking forward to going back but we need the money and I'll only be part time so I can't complain. I've had a big break and it's been so nice to have had the time I have at home with Bon and the girls. It's been a challenge looking after 3 kids, and continuing to juggle everything once I'm back at work will be an even bigger challenge, but I'm sure I'll cope one way or another and hopefully we'll still maintain some kind of sanity in the process! We are still waiting to find out what's happening with the job Scout applied for, so who knows how that will change things, but either way I'm thinking next year will be a good year for us :). This past 12 months has been amazing, turning 40 and finally having a baby, so it's going to be hard to top but I am looking forward to 2015 and watching our girls continue to grow and change. I am so proud of each of them and feel so lucky to have them, and my beautiful Scout in my life :). I hope everyone else has had a merry Christmas and I wish each of you the very best for 2015 x I will leave you with some Christmas pics of our little and not-so-little ones ;)