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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Yes Sir, that's my baby!

Had our second scan today and the difference is amazing!  In just two weeks our little blob has quadrupled in sized and is now actually starting to take on the shape of a baby with little buds starting to show for arms and legs :). Today marks 8 weeks 2 days and our little one is measuring 8 weeks 3 days.


Scout got a much better view of the screen than me and could actually see it wriggle it's little butt!  The heart rate was 175 bpm and Scout was not impressed lol.  She's a big believer in heart rate being predictive of gender and I've tried to tell her the heart rate will change over time but of course she can't help herself.  Anyway, old wives tales aside, I'm just glad there IS a heart beat and it's a good one at that :).  After the scan we had a discussion about the progesterone.  My FS wants to start weening me off it.  I'm nervous about it.   Really - I know it's not that big a deal because it was a frozen embryo transfer so I ovulated and there's a corpus luteum in there doing it's thing but it's taken a lot of embryos to finally get one to stick and I feel like the progesterone pessaries had something to do with that.  Anyway ... Starting tonight I will be skipping pessaries every second day and I'll go in for a blood test next week to make sure the levels are still ok.  If they are, then I'll stop the pessaries all together and have another blood test a week later just to make sure things are still fine.  If I spot (which I better not!) then I'll have to recommence the pessaries again.  So at this point I'm hoping this weening process goes off without a hitch and then we can officially graduate from my IVF clinic and specialist :). I have to book in with my GP now to get the ball rolling with the testing that needs to be done between 10-12 weeks and we have our first midwife appointment at 14 weeks.  

Up until now I've been pretty reserved but since the scan today it's finally starting to sink in that we are actually pregnant and all going well we're going to have a baby!  You would think with all the nausea and fatigue that would have sunk in by now but it hadn't really.  I guess I just needed to see some evidence of something that remotely resembled a baby ... and we have that now :).  Crazy!!  Anyway, I'm ridiculously tired and need to hit the hay.  For some reason I'm not sleeping very well and have been waking up at 12am to pee and then tossing and turning and peeing till 4am before I finally fall asleep again.  It's been exhausting ... especially when I need to get up at 6.30am for work.   So I'm really hoping I get some sleep tonight cause I NEED IT.  More Zzzzzzz please!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Sharing with others

We've had an interesting week.  Last Sunday (3 days after our 6 week scan) we had a visit from our friends who have also been TTC for the past 2 years.  We haven't seen or talked to them in awhile and were hoping their visit was to tell us they were well on their way through a pregnancy but unfortunately that wasn't the case.  They have had numerous miscarriages and the latest has pretty much taken them to the limits of what they can bare.  I am devastated for them and all the heartache they've been through.   In a last ditch effort they have decided to try one more time and switch who will carry.  We are hoping and praying it will make the difference for them because they have seriously been through enough.   Although it's fortunate that they do have the option of switching who will carry, it was clearly a painful decision to make.  To go through so much that you finally reach a point where you choose to accept that your body cannot and will not carry a baby is huge.  I really feel for them.  Needless to say we did not share our news with them and if our little one does go the distance, it will be hard to tell them.  I know they will be happy for us, but I also know that any happiness for us will be mixed with a lot of sadness for them.   

My mum also came to visit this week.  At first she sounded like she was just going to pop in for a quick hello and I kinda cracked it with her over the phone.  We hardly get to see her so I wanted to be able to spend a bit of time with her while she was in town and I also wanted her to spend time with Scout and the girls too.  Popping in one evening on a weekday to say hi when she's spent days hanging out with her partners friends is not good enough, so being my overly emotional pregnant self, I had a bit of an angry rant which turned into tears on the phone.   Fortunately that was enough to get her to change her plans and spend some time with us but I was disappointed that it took a mini meltdown on the phone to get her to check her priorities.  Anyway we told her our news on the second day she was with us.  I kinda chickened out on the first day.  If she'd known we were trying it would have been easier but it felt a bit like coming-out to some extent about TTC!  Needless to say she was pretty shocked.  I think she had long given up on me ever giving her a grandchild (apart from the girls that is), so it took her a little bit to process it all but in the end she seemed genuinely happy for us.  She also mentioned in the conversations that followed that she actually went through menopause at 41 which I wasn't aware of.  So I guess it's not surprising my egg quality is as shit as it is given I'm potentially 2 years away from that myself.  Scary.  

Anyway ... We are now 7 weeks 5 days, and our second scan is just a few days away.  Fingers crossed everything is still going fine in there.  I am now pretty much nauseous on and off all day, every day.  It's unpleasant but I'm not about to complain.  What I feel like I can handle eating one day, is no good the next.  I haven't puked yet but I've come close.  Scout's been waiting for the day it finally happens.  Yesterday she told me she's a sympathetic chucker so she won't be able to hold my hair when my head's in the toilet bowl but she'll be right there with me 'in spirit' lol.  She makes me laugh.  I feel very lucky to be going through this with a female partner who knows what it's like.  She is constantly looking for ways to look after me or make me feel better, like having hard lollies for me to suck on when I suddenly get sick in the car :).  She came home with donuts the other day thinking I would be all over them since she ate donuts a lot when she was pregnant, but unfortunately my stomach was not up for it.  She was so disappointed that her little plan to surprise me had backfired.  We also had a look at some maternity pants not long ago that she wanted me to buy but I said no cos I didn't need them yet.  She pretty much told me "That's fine, I'll just buy them for you when you're not looking and hide them in the cupboard till the day you are standing in front of the mirror crying that you have nothing to wear and then I'll look good when I whip them out and make your day" lol.  She's the best.  I am so lucky to have her :). Anyway thanks everyone who commented on our scan pic the other week. I'll post again after our next scan on Thursday.  

Thursday, 15 August 2013

We have a blob!!!

We were very nervous and excited about the scan today ... and thankfully it went great :).  Our little one is measuring right on track at 6 weeks 2 days and had a heart rate of 114 bpm!   Amazing to see it flashing away on the screen and then to hear it :). We are just over the moon and so happy to know that everything is just as it should be at this point.  I'm feeling pretty good, probably because I'm on a bit of a high from the scan!  The cramps seem to have eased off a bit lately which is nice.  So my only real symptoms at the moment are sore boobs, fatigue and occasional sickly feeling if I've gone too long without eating.   Our next scan is in another 2 weeks and all going well, we'll be off to join the public queue of pregnant women after that :)  Next week my mum will be visiting us for a day or so.  She lives in Queensland and I haven't seen her for over 18 mths.  I'm not sure when we will be seeing her again so we plan on telling her our news while she's here.  She doesn't even know we've been TTC so who knows how she'll react but hopefully it will be positive.  I'm sure it will be.  We will probably wait till around the 10 week mark to tell the girls and the rest of the family.  It's been hard keeping it from the girls cos we know how excited they will be ... But it's only another month to wait which will no doubt go quickly :).  Anyway ... Here's the pics from the scan today.  It doesn't look like much but that fuzzy blob is the beginnings of our baby!


Saturday, 10 August 2013

No news is good news :)

5 weeks 4 days and still pregnant :). The cramping continues on and off most days and I've had a few nights now where it's been bad enough to wake me up.  When this happens it usually coincides with a rush to the toilet.  This is not typical for me at all but I guess this is what pregnancy is going to be like for me.  Scout is worried about all the cramping but for the most part I'm still trying tell myself this is just all part of the process.  I feel a lot like I've got my period but AF continues to stay away, much to my amazement.  This week has been busy and I've been tired.  Last weekend we had lots of family things on and Tuesday we had Jasmine's birthday.  She turned 6 and has been a real little miss in the lead up to it.  Her bad behaviour peaked on her birthday with her teacher telling us she had been talking over the top of other kids, was caught kicking someone (!) while lining up and apparently told her PE teacher that "she could do whatever she wanted because it was her birthday" ... Hmmm.  Seriously ... We don't talk like that in our house and that kind of behaviour is completely unexceptable. We made her apologise to her teacher the next day and write a letter of apology to her PE teacher.  Since then she's been a bit better.  Today we had her party and this is the first time we've done one at home with other school friends.  Scout says it's also the last time lol.  The kids were fine (we kept it small and it was only for two hours) but two of the kids dad's also decided to hang around for the whole thing and one was a bit of a jerk.  Anyway ... We survived :).  Here's the birthday cake I did for Jazz ...


Tomorrow we have to do it all over again with family which should be fine.  I'm just worried I'll be tired and people will hang around which usually happens.  We aren't planning on telling anyone we're pregnant for a little while yet so I can't exactly excuse myself to go lie down.  I'm just going to have to do my best to stay off my feet when I can and thankfully I have a wonderful wife who will make sure I do.  Scout has been amazing this week getting the house and yard all cleaned up and even cooked a few extra meals for the girls so I didn't have to cook when I got home from work.  She's the best!  Anyway, I'll be glad when this weekend is over and we can both just relax a bit.   Our scan is next Thursday, so not much longer till we find out if everything is on track in there.  I'm trying not to think too much about it or get too attached to the idea of being pregnant just yet.  The cramping is probably making me feel alittle cautious but for the most part I'm pretty positive and obviously hoping for the best on Thursday.    

Friday, 2 August 2013

Let the games begin!

It's finally starting to sink in that we are actually pregnant.  Had to POAS just for the hell of it Thursday night just to know it was actually real, they didn't mixed up my tube of blood with someone elses and my piss can actually produce two lines!
I know it looks just like all the other ones people post but the difference here is ...
it's sitting on MY kitchen bench ;). 
I have to say I'm a bit surprised at just how quickly this little pip is starting to take control of my body.  I honestly wasn't expecting too many major symptoms for another couple of weeks but it's been pretty much immediate.  Before I even knew we were pregnant I was having waves of nausea, fatigue and back pain and by my AF due date I was getting diarrhea!  I was telling myself it was all the progesterone but we now know it was alittle more than that :).  Thursday night I went to sleep early and got woken up by stomach cramps at 11.30pm.  These cramps have been on and off pretty much since around implantation time and haven't gone away.  I got up to go to the toilet (because sometimes these cramps seem to be bowel related) and proceeded to become really nauseous and faint to the point where I needed to lie down again before I passed out.  After that I couldn't get back to sleep and tossed and turned till 4.30am.  Just as well I'd arranged to have Friday off work as well because I woke up exhausted.  Crazy ... and we're barely even into this pregnancy so I'm thinking I might be in for a bit of a ride!  Scout has been a little concerned about the cramping I keep having and was worried that my FS has cut my progesterone back to only one 400mg pessary a day now.  But my progesterone was 97 at the last test and from what I've read, plenty of women have cramping throughout their first trimester as their uterus grows ... so as long as I don't spot, I'm not going to let it bother me.  

Another thing that's surprised me is that I already need to book in for an appointment with a hospital antenatal clinic!  I thought we wouldn't have to worry about this till some time after the scan but they've pretty much told us we need to get on it right now.  Scout wasn't surprised since she's a veteran, but I was and the thought of it was actually alittle bit overwhelming to be honest.  I don't know why but having to suddenly make a decision about where to deliver when we've only just found out we're pregnant felt like a bit of pressure!  I know I've probably read blogs of others where this was mentioned but clearly I hadn't understood the gravity of how closely 'finding out' and 'having to decide' coincided!  We are pretty much booked out with family commitments for the next two weeks so finding time to visit hospitals is pretty much impossible.  Fortunately Scout is very sensible about this stuff so we've decided on a hospital without visiting it - just based on the fact that it will be able to handle any complications that might come up and it's located conviniently enough to family who will need to help out with looking after the girls.  We can always change our minds later if our first appointment goes badly but I think it'll be fine.

Anyway ... We have big day ahead if us today so I need to get a wriggle on.  Jazzy's birthday is next week so we have presents to by, need to get to the party shop for supplies and then have a family dinner to go to tonight.  I also want to get to the shops to buy a big fat tub of prenatal vitamins so I can ditch these "pre-conception" tablets I feel like I've been taking for forever!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

In Shock

We are pregnant!!! Can't freaking believe it!  We discussed testing this morning but decided against it, so when we went in to get the blood test done we had no idea what to expect.  We were parked in the car this afternoon with my phone on speaker when the nurse told us the results.  Scout literally jumped out of her seat and yelled "What?!!  You're kidding!  It's positive?  No way!  Oh my god!".  She ran around to my side of the car and started hugging me.  I just burst into tears and started crying into the phone.  Poor nurse was laughing at how shocked we were.  We were just completely blind-sided by the result.  HCG was 325!  I don't even have to go back for a second test.  All these faux symptoms I thought I was having were actually the real deal.  Can not believe it.  Feel truly blessed to finally get a BFP.  I was starting to doubt my body could do it ... but it did :). Our scan is booked for 15th Aug and we are looking forward to seeing what exactly is in there!  Has been the best day ever ... And Scout just got back from the shops with a big bunch of flowers for me :).   I feel like the luckiest lady on the planet!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Yes Sir, that's my baby!

Had our second scan today and the difference is amazing!  In just two weeks our little blob has quadrupled in sized and is now actually starting to take on the shape of a baby with little buds starting to show for arms and legs :). Today marks 8 weeks 2 days and our little one is measuring 8 weeks 3 days.


Scout got a much better view of the screen than me and could actually see it wriggle it's little butt!  The heart rate was 175 bpm and Scout was not impressed lol.  She's a big believer in heart rate being predictive of gender and I've tried to tell her the heart rate will change over time but of course she can't help herself.  Anyway, old wives tales aside, I'm just glad there IS a heart beat and it's a good one at that :).  After the scan we had a discussion about the progesterone.  My FS wants to start weening me off it.  I'm nervous about it.   Really - I know it's not that big a deal because it was a frozen embryo transfer so I ovulated and there's a corpus luteum in there doing it's thing but it's taken a lot of embryos to finally get one to stick and I feel like the progesterone pessaries had something to do with that.  Anyway ... Starting tonight I will be skipping pessaries every second day and I'll go in for a blood test next week to make sure the levels are still ok.  If they are, then I'll stop the pessaries all together and have another blood test a week later just to make sure things are still fine.  If I spot (which I better not!) then I'll have to recommence the pessaries again.  So at this point I'm hoping this weening process goes off without a hitch and then we can officially graduate from my IVF clinic and specialist :). I have to book in with my GP now to get the ball rolling with the testing that needs to be done between 10-12 weeks and we have our first midwife appointment at 14 weeks.  

Up until now I've been pretty reserved but since the scan today it's finally starting to sink in that we are actually pregnant and all going well we're going to have a baby!  You would think with all the nausea and fatigue that would have sunk in by now but it hadn't really.  I guess I just needed to see some evidence of something that remotely resembled a baby ... and we have that now :).  Crazy!!  Anyway, I'm ridiculously tired and need to hit the hay.  For some reason I'm not sleeping very well and have been waking up at 12am to pee and then tossing and turning and peeing till 4am before I finally fall asleep again.  It's been exhausting ... especially when I need to get up at 6.30am for work.   So I'm really hoping I get some sleep tonight cause I NEED IT.  More Zzzzzzz please!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Sharing with others

We've had an interesting week.  Last Sunday (3 days after our 6 week scan) we had a visit from our friends who have also been TTC for the past 2 years.  We haven't seen or talked to them in awhile and were hoping their visit was to tell us they were well on their way through a pregnancy but unfortunately that wasn't the case.  They have had numerous miscarriages and the latest has pretty much taken them to the limits of what they can bare.  I am devastated for them and all the heartache they've been through.   In a last ditch effort they have decided to try one more time and switch who will carry.  We are hoping and praying it will make the difference for them because they have seriously been through enough.   Although it's fortunate that they do have the option of switching who will carry, it was clearly a painful decision to make.  To go through so much that you finally reach a point where you choose to accept that your body cannot and will not carry a baby is huge.  I really feel for them.  Needless to say we did not share our news with them and if our little one does go the distance, it will be hard to tell them.  I know they will be happy for us, but I also know that any happiness for us will be mixed with a lot of sadness for them.   

My mum also came to visit this week.  At first she sounded like she was just going to pop in for a quick hello and I kinda cracked it with her over the phone.  We hardly get to see her so I wanted to be able to spend a bit of time with her while she was in town and I also wanted her to spend time with Scout and the girls too.  Popping in one evening on a weekday to say hi when she's spent days hanging out with her partners friends is not good enough, so being my overly emotional pregnant self, I had a bit of an angry rant which turned into tears on the phone.   Fortunately that was enough to get her to change her plans and spend some time with us but I was disappointed that it took a mini meltdown on the phone to get her to check her priorities.  Anyway we told her our news on the second day she was with us.  I kinda chickened out on the first day.  If she'd known we were trying it would have been easier but it felt a bit like coming-out to some extent about TTC!  Needless to say she was pretty shocked.  I think she had long given up on me ever giving her a grandchild (apart from the girls that is), so it took her a little bit to process it all but in the end she seemed genuinely happy for us.  She also mentioned in the conversations that followed that she actually went through menopause at 41 which I wasn't aware of.  So I guess it's not surprising my egg quality is as shit as it is given I'm potentially 2 years away from that myself.  Scary.  

Anyway ... We are now 7 weeks 5 days, and our second scan is just a few days away.  Fingers crossed everything is still going fine in there.  I am now pretty much nauseous on and off all day, every day.  It's unpleasant but I'm not about to complain.  What I feel like I can handle eating one day, is no good the next.  I haven't puked yet but I've come close.  Scout's been waiting for the day it finally happens.  Yesterday she told me she's a sympathetic chucker so she won't be able to hold my hair when my head's in the toilet bowl but she'll be right there with me 'in spirit' lol.  She makes me laugh.  I feel very lucky to be going through this with a female partner who knows what it's like.  She is constantly looking for ways to look after me or make me feel better, like having hard lollies for me to suck on when I suddenly get sick in the car :).  She came home with donuts the other day thinking I would be all over them since she ate donuts a lot when she was pregnant, but unfortunately my stomach was not up for it.  She was so disappointed that her little plan to surprise me had backfired.  We also had a look at some maternity pants not long ago that she wanted me to buy but I said no cos I didn't need them yet.  She pretty much told me "That's fine, I'll just buy them for you when you're not looking and hide them in the cupboard till the day you are standing in front of the mirror crying that you have nothing to wear and then I'll look good when I whip them out and make your day" lol.  She's the best.  I am so lucky to have her :). Anyway thanks everyone who commented on our scan pic the other week. I'll post again after our next scan on Thursday.  

Thursday, 15 August 2013

We have a blob!!!

We were very nervous and excited about the scan today ... and thankfully it went great :).  Our little one is measuring right on track at 6 weeks 2 days and had a heart rate of 114 bpm!   Amazing to see it flashing away on the screen and then to hear it :). We are just over the moon and so happy to know that everything is just as it should be at this point.  I'm feeling pretty good, probably because I'm on a bit of a high from the scan!  The cramps seem to have eased off a bit lately which is nice.  So my only real symptoms at the moment are sore boobs, fatigue and occasional sickly feeling if I've gone too long without eating.   Our next scan is in another 2 weeks and all going well, we'll be off to join the public queue of pregnant women after that :)  Next week my mum will be visiting us for a day or so.  She lives in Queensland and I haven't seen her for over 18 mths.  I'm not sure when we will be seeing her again so we plan on telling her our news while she's here.  She doesn't even know we've been TTC so who knows how she'll react but hopefully it will be positive.  I'm sure it will be.  We will probably wait till around the 10 week mark to tell the girls and the rest of the family.  It's been hard keeping it from the girls cos we know how excited they will be ... But it's only another month to wait which will no doubt go quickly :).  Anyway ... Here's the pics from the scan today.  It doesn't look like much but that fuzzy blob is the beginnings of our baby!


Saturday, 10 August 2013

No news is good news :)

5 weeks 4 days and still pregnant :). The cramping continues on and off most days and I've had a few nights now where it's been bad enough to wake me up.  When this happens it usually coincides with a rush to the toilet.  This is not typical for me at all but I guess this is what pregnancy is going to be like for me.  Scout is worried about all the cramping but for the most part I'm still trying tell myself this is just all part of the process.  I feel a lot like I've got my period but AF continues to stay away, much to my amazement.  This week has been busy and I've been tired.  Last weekend we had lots of family things on and Tuesday we had Jasmine's birthday.  She turned 6 and has been a real little miss in the lead up to it.  Her bad behaviour peaked on her birthday with her teacher telling us she had been talking over the top of other kids, was caught kicking someone (!) while lining up and apparently told her PE teacher that "she could do whatever she wanted because it was her birthday" ... Hmmm.  Seriously ... We don't talk like that in our house and that kind of behaviour is completely unexceptable. We made her apologise to her teacher the next day and write a letter of apology to her PE teacher.  Since then she's been a bit better.  Today we had her party and this is the first time we've done one at home with other school friends.  Scout says it's also the last time lol.  The kids were fine (we kept it small and it was only for two hours) but two of the kids dad's also decided to hang around for the whole thing and one was a bit of a jerk.  Anyway ... We survived :).  Here's the birthday cake I did for Jazz ...


Tomorrow we have to do it all over again with family which should be fine.  I'm just worried I'll be tired and people will hang around which usually happens.  We aren't planning on telling anyone we're pregnant for a little while yet so I can't exactly excuse myself to go lie down.  I'm just going to have to do my best to stay off my feet when I can and thankfully I have a wonderful wife who will make sure I do.  Scout has been amazing this week getting the house and yard all cleaned up and even cooked a few extra meals for the girls so I didn't have to cook when I got home from work.  She's the best!  Anyway, I'll be glad when this weekend is over and we can both just relax a bit.   Our scan is next Thursday, so not much longer till we find out if everything is on track in there.  I'm trying not to think too much about it or get too attached to the idea of being pregnant just yet.  The cramping is probably making me feel alittle cautious but for the most part I'm pretty positive and obviously hoping for the best on Thursday.    

Friday, 2 August 2013

Let the games begin!

It's finally starting to sink in that we are actually pregnant.  Had to POAS just for the hell of it Thursday night just to know it was actually real, they didn't mixed up my tube of blood with someone elses and my piss can actually produce two lines!
I know it looks just like all the other ones people post but the difference here is ...
it's sitting on MY kitchen bench ;). 
I have to say I'm a bit surprised at just how quickly this little pip is starting to take control of my body.  I honestly wasn't expecting too many major symptoms for another couple of weeks but it's been pretty much immediate.  Before I even knew we were pregnant I was having waves of nausea, fatigue and back pain and by my AF due date I was getting diarrhea!  I was telling myself it was all the progesterone but we now know it was alittle more than that :).  Thursday night I went to sleep early and got woken up by stomach cramps at 11.30pm.  These cramps have been on and off pretty much since around implantation time and haven't gone away.  I got up to go to the toilet (because sometimes these cramps seem to be bowel related) and proceeded to become really nauseous and faint to the point where I needed to lie down again before I passed out.  After that I couldn't get back to sleep and tossed and turned till 4.30am.  Just as well I'd arranged to have Friday off work as well because I woke up exhausted.  Crazy ... and we're barely even into this pregnancy so I'm thinking I might be in for a bit of a ride!  Scout has been a little concerned about the cramping I keep having and was worried that my FS has cut my progesterone back to only one 400mg pessary a day now.  But my progesterone was 97 at the last test and from what I've read, plenty of women have cramping throughout their first trimester as their uterus grows ... so as long as I don't spot, I'm not going to let it bother me.  

Another thing that's surprised me is that I already need to book in for an appointment with a hospital antenatal clinic!  I thought we wouldn't have to worry about this till some time after the scan but they've pretty much told us we need to get on it right now.  Scout wasn't surprised since she's a veteran, but I was and the thought of it was actually alittle bit overwhelming to be honest.  I don't know why but having to suddenly make a decision about where to deliver when we've only just found out we're pregnant felt like a bit of pressure!  I know I've probably read blogs of others where this was mentioned but clearly I hadn't understood the gravity of how closely 'finding out' and 'having to decide' coincided!  We are pretty much booked out with family commitments for the next two weeks so finding time to visit hospitals is pretty much impossible.  Fortunately Scout is very sensible about this stuff so we've decided on a hospital without visiting it - just based on the fact that it will be able to handle any complications that might come up and it's located conviniently enough to family who will need to help out with looking after the girls.  We can always change our minds later if our first appointment goes badly but I think it'll be fine.

Anyway ... We have big day ahead if us today so I need to get a wriggle on.  Jazzy's birthday is next week so we have presents to by, need to get to the party shop for supplies and then have a family dinner to go to tonight.  I also want to get to the shops to buy a big fat tub of prenatal vitamins so I can ditch these "pre-conception" tablets I feel like I've been taking for forever!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

In Shock

We are pregnant!!! Can't freaking believe it!  We discussed testing this morning but decided against it, so when we went in to get the blood test done we had no idea what to expect.  We were parked in the car this afternoon with my phone on speaker when the nurse told us the results.  Scout literally jumped out of her seat and yelled "What?!!  You're kidding!  It's positive?  No way!  Oh my god!".  She ran around to my side of the car and started hugging me.  I just burst into tears and started crying into the phone.  Poor nurse was laughing at how shocked we were.  We were just completely blind-sided by the result.  HCG was 325!  I don't even have to go back for a second test.  All these faux symptoms I thought I was having were actually the real deal.  Can not believe it.  Feel truly blessed to finally get a BFP.  I was starting to doubt my body could do it ... but it did :). Our scan is booked for 15th Aug and we are looking forward to seeing what exactly is in there!  Has been the best day ever ... And Scout just got back from the shops with a big bunch of flowers for me :).   I feel like the luckiest lady on the planet!

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